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This profile offers testing for the circadian rhythm of melatonin in concert with cortisol and cortisone to assess sleep / wake cycle dysfunction. Circulating melatonin is efficiently hydroxylated and conjugated with sulfate in the liver to form its primary metabolite, 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (MT6s), and excreted into urine; it is this metabolite that is measured in the Sleep Balance Profile. Adrenal cortisol, produced in response to stress, is also known for its diurnal variation linked to the sleep/wake cycle. It has the opposite pattern to melatonin production in a healthy individual. It allows physicians to pinpoint imbalances of melatonin and cortisol circadian rhythms associated with acute or chronic sleep disturbances. This profile should be cosidered for patients with inability to get to sleep, frequent waking, or chronic sleeplessness affecting vitality, cognition, weight, and diabetes / cardiovascular disease risks.
Please select any lab during the ordering process. We will mail this test to you with the instructions and the test is completed in the convenience of your home.
*This information was obtained from ZRT Laboratory