Menstrual Cycle Mapping – urine
Please select any lab during the ordering process. We will mail this test to you with the instructions and the test is completed in the convenience of your home.
The Menstrual Cycle profile offers an assessment of sex hormone and LH patterns throughout a menstrual cycle to help health care practitioners get to the root of hormone-related menstrual symptoms, irregular cycles, amenorrhea, or infertility. Dried urine testing provides a simple and convenient way to assess fluctuations in daily hormone levels over an entire month, known as menstrual cycle mapping. Consider for women with irregular cycles, cyclic hormone-related symptoms such as pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) or headaches, infertility, or luteal phase defects to determine the source of their problems.
Please select any lab during the ordering process. We will mail this test to you with the instructions and the test is completed in the convenience of your home.
*This information was obtained from ZRT Laboratory