Many times you eat meals, and a couple of hours later you don’t even remember what you ate. It is important that you acknowledge what you’re eating and that you are mindful because this can help lead into healthier eating habits. Lack of awareness of the food you eat may be a huge contributor to the national obesity epidemic. Mindful eating is focusing on what you’re consuming without doing anything else. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to change what you eat, but rather how much of it you eat. While practicing mindful eating take into consideration the following:
- where you bought your food,
- how it was prepared and served, and
- how much you consume of it.
Practicing these mindfulness and making them a habit often leads to consuming less junk food and maybe eating smaller portions.

When trying to practice mindful eating you try using the following checklist to help guide you:
- Consider the health value of the food or meal you want to eat, don’t make impulse decisions. If you are at the grocery store, try to get the majority of your food from the produce section and try to avoid processed food.
- Eat when you have an appetite but not when you are starving. Skipping meals can cause you to just want to fill the void in your stomach as opposed to actually enjoying your food. You should eat every meal and small snacks in between so that you don’t eat excessively.
- Start off with a small portions
- Before you begin eating, take a few minutes to appreciate your food and everyone who prepared it
- While eating, try to identify all the different ingredients
- Take small bites, this allows you to be able to taste all the flavors
- Chew thoroughly, you should chew each mouthful 20 to 40 times depending on the food
- Eat slowly, if you practice the steps above then this step is a given.
Bon Appetit!