With holiday season just around the corner, it is important to realize how the food you eat this time of year affects your health. We tend to put on weight around the time of Thanksgiving and Christmas which shouldn’t be surprising at all, but there are ways for you to avoid gaining weight this time of year.

Choosing to maintain healthy habits during the holiday season doesn’t mean you will be eating a bowl of vegetables while your family is indulging in your favorite dishes. You can start by modifying the recipes of these dishes with healthier ingredients or the cooking technique, this can go a long way. You may also decide to eat smaller portions so you can enjoy a little bit of everything without overeating. It is important that you eat slowly, it can be easy to get carried away and eat your food fast so you can get to the next dish. Pacing yourself allows your body to really register how full you are, which prevents overeating. You should also drink water, low fat milk, or unsweetened tea as opposed to alcoholic or sugary beverages. Your choice of beverage is often responsible for many of calories you get from your holiday meal. Lastly, don’t try to starve yourself all day prior to your holiday meal because this will actually cause to overeat. Instead of preventing weight gain, it might actually cause you to gain weight.
Remember to be conscious of what and how much you eat this holiday season and you’ll be able to enjoy your favorite dishes without the burden of weight gain. Holiday season shouldn’t have to mean you’ll put on a few extra pounds, as long as you make healthy eating choices.