Fertility Profile – saliva & blood spot
Please select any lab during the ordering process. We will mail this test to you with the instructions and the test is completed in the convenience of your home.
The profile provides a thorough evaluation that can identify many problems related to hormone imbalances that are associated with infertility. Dried blood spot samples are collected on days 3 and 21 of the menstrual cycle, and saliva samples are collected only on day 21. LH and FSH are tested on day 3, while on day 21 estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA-S, SHBG, and the thyroid hormones are tested in dried blood spot and diurnal cortisol is tested in saliva. This profile meets the requirement for initial screening for fertility assessment by reproductive endocrinologists. Assessment of ovarian reserve as well as screening for multiple common reasons for infertility including: anovulation, PCOS, hypothyroidism, premature ovarian failure or ovarian insufficiency. Consider this test for women who have been trying to get pregnant without success, or who would like to be proactive in their preconception planning by getting a baseline screening.
Please select any lab during the ordering process. We will mail this test to you with the instructions and the test is completed in the convenience of your home.
*This information was obtained from ZRT Laboratory